
About Me

I'm a follower of the One, wife to one, homeschooling mother to three of four, daughter, sister, and friend trying to figure out what it means to not value stuff, but instead to hold on to the most important thing ~LOVE!

I write. I dance. I cook. I clean. I drive. I teach. Time is so fleeting that I want to hack life to find easier ways of doing my daily tasks. I thought I would start by getting rid of all the stuff that is seemingly in my way.

Princess Sunshine is seven and when she was a baby, I started a quilt for my bed. Guess what? It's still not complete. I got tired of looking at all the incomplete projects and the downright mess in my house. I needed to make time for the Creator, and time to be who he has called me to be to my family. In order to do that, i had to clear head space by making space so my body could breathe deeply.

Thanks for joining me on the journey and may God richly bless you.


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