We've been trying to enjoy the end of summer vacation, which means hanging with our besties at the pool or down by the river. It has been great fun. But if I am to be completely honest, it hasn't been just life that's stopping the decluttering. I haven't really been motivated to continue decluttering, because I've been stressed out. We've been prepping for the start of the school year, ordering curriculum, cooking food made with love, and enjoying good books. But the time has come to get back on the wagon.
It's not at all easy. In fact, it's hard to focus on the things we need to do because we live in a world filled with so many distractions. Our commitments can be as fleeting as the shadows. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7,
"When I would do good, evil is present. . . "
The things that distract us are not necessarily evil, but it's important to prioritize our lives so that we will have time for people and relationships.
I want to get rid of STUFF so that I can spend more time with my family. I want to be able to walk through the garage without tripping over STUFF. I want to not feel like I have to choose between reading a story to my daughter and "organizing" my STUFF. I want to make time to nourish my creative side without feeling guilty about my room being a mess.
I have seen the enemy and it's me.
What are some of the things that stop you from BEING THE BEST YOU or DOING THE BEST THINGS?
Happy Monday,